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I have enjoyed making art since I was a kid, but didn’t take my art seriously until in my thirties. After finishing a BA degree in linguistics in 2017, I decided against furthering my academic studies. I took a few years to slowly get back into art, experimenting and learning on my own in addition to taking a 10 week long ceramics class.


In 2020 I finally started art school, and in early 2022 I got my higher vocational degree from DTK Kunstfagskolen i Bærum. I spent another year and a half at the school to further develop my skills and style in painting. The year was finished with a graduation exhibition at Bærum Kunsthall with the rest of the third year students.

In 2023 I showed a painting at Bærumsutstillingen, a juried group exhibition at Bærum Kunsthall. I also got selected for the Grants Exhibition at Galleri Ramfjord in Oslo with one painting.

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